Sunday, May 4, 2008

Moulin (Mill) Dam on the little soon to be named river.

Tomorrow I must go back to get the name of the river (read creek) and the mill, and try to figure out exactly what they used to mill at the mill (moulin en Francais). The river is dammed-up about 100 meters up stream, and the water is still directed into a canal.

This would have driven the wheel at the mill. I just liked the way that the dam looked with a very small leak of a waterfall cascading over the edge of the dam.

Most of the water was flowing toward me and into the canal to my right (not shown in the photo or the painting).

After a bout with set up and tools and a broken chair the spot opened up and found its way into a composition. I was able to stop and take a little break and a snapshot after most of the underpainting was completed.

I really like the under-painting and the compostion and its contrast. That is likely where one should stop, however, trying to complete a fully finished work, one encounters many decisions. So I took out my artistic license and used it. The final painting is acceptable to me, but over worked.

After it dries I may get bold enough to do a bit of touch up...or maybe get smart and leave it.



Diana Marie said...

i agree with your comments. i love the bold strokes in the sky in the underpainting! you kept some good ones in the final as well. there is always that difficult decision as whether or not to continue or just start a new one, i know how you feel! good luck with them either way.

Unknown said...

And whence the name of the most famous Beaujolais cru Moulin-à-Vent, which is named for the wind mill that tops the property. I'm in accord that the underpainting is très magnifique. The scene reminds me of a mill a stumbled upon in mid-state New Jersey, north of Princeton while on 5-hour Sunday stroll. That mill was there when Washington's troops burned the bridge after they crossed while fleeing British troops.

Jenny Jack said...

As a complete non-painter, I LOVE IT!